Our Mission Statement
"Our mission is to be a spirited, vibrant church planted by God's grace, growing in Christ's love, and living as fruitful neighbors within our community as we answer God's call to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world."
Our Vision Statement
"Our vision is to invite all into a life with Christ by growing in intentional faith development, practicing extravagant generosity, engaging in passionate and authentic worship, creating risk-taking missions."
At Randall by the River: A United Methodist Community, we believe:
That God’s grace planted Randall by the River in this community.
That as disciples, we are to exhibit radical hospitality and share God’s grace with everyone we meet as freely as it was given to us.
That God values and loves all people, so we do too. Humanity is diverse, and we embrace that diversity in all forms. We welcome all into the life of our church.
That we are to “show and tell” of Jesus’ love and invite others to be followers as commanded God in Matthew 28:19, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”
That we grow in Christ’s love through intentional faith development, the study of God’s word, and conversations with God. These practices allow God to quip and enable us to serve God and our community.
That our love for God is demonstrated by how well we love others.
That in order to live as fruitful neighbors, we must demonstrate radical generosity as we strive to meet the needs of our community.
That honoring God generously with our time, talents, and finances is a reflection of God’s generosity to us.
That we are to serve our community as the hands and feet of Christ and to love our neighbors as we love ourselves as Jesus commanded in Matthew 22:37.
That we are to create a home for all who seek a relationship with Jesus Christ, whether you are just curious about the faith, questioning, doubting, brand new Christians, or on a long time journey of faith and discovery.
That we embrace the future and what God has planned for Randall by the River while honoring our history as the oldest church in Stanly County.